Tag: #writing #recovery #anorexia nervosa

Anorexia The ups and downs of a single mother caring for a child with anorexia

The ups and downs of a single mother caring for a child with anorexia


Our journey in the terrifying world of anorexia nervosa continues. We have roller-coasted over the past few months, and my daughter, Summer*, has turned 11. We have made some giant steps forward and a few small ones backward. The biggest one backward is being hospitalised again. Summer had been making...

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advocacy Korea’s EDAW 2024 puts epistemic justice on the table

Korea’s EDAW 2024 puts epistemic justice on the table


So, I quit my job again at the end of January. The healthcare company I worked for was one of those doctor-owned ventures not uncommon in Seoul, South Korea, where medical doctors generally belong to the highest income groups and are probably the most exclusive interest group. In a misogynistic...

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advocacy Slip, slide, but hope got me over the line

Slip, slide, but hope got me over the line


I’ve broken yet again. What hope have I got? I wonder, but I must have hope. Must not I, for when I think there is none, I want to die because one cannot live without hope. (Diary excerpt, 1991) I’m 40 years old. The next day I regress further.  I’m...

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advocacy A reminder that one day the diary that is my life serial will end

A reminder that one day the diary that is my life serial will end


Yesterday was one of those days that did not work out as planned. All went well, initially. I was in the local, heated, 50m outdoor pool by 6.10am, doing a half-hour of prescribed exercises. I love being in the water. Then I came home, showered, and took Maisie for a...

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advocacy Epistemic Justice in Understanding Eating Disorders

Epistemic Justice in Understanding Eating Disorders


Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) 2024 will take place in Korea from February 28 to March 5, with all seven sessions examining the theme of Epistemic Justice. The question of how to reflect the lived experiences of the eating disorder sufferers, and those of the mental health patients themselves into...

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advocacy Take a self-discovery tour – write your story

Take a self-discovery tour – write your story


So, you want to write your memoir? A memoir is a story about part of your life. What part do you most want to write about? Why? My memoir, A Girl Called Tim, is about my life with an eating disorder from age 11 to age 55. As I entered...

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Anorexia A glimpse of life beyond a long-term eating disorder

A glimpse of life beyond a long-term eating disorder


I have been struggling with my eating disorder for a very long time and in the past two and a half years, quite badly. The act of taking sick leave for a long time is not necessarily accompanied by an obligation to cooperate as a patient. For example, an eating...

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Life Writing Using two-way written narrative to escape the anorexia prison

Using two-way written narrative to escape the anorexia prison

DE: What is Anorexia calling out to you at the moment, Helen? What is it saying to you as you struggle towards the Anti-Anorexic side? What is it calling out to you? HW: Punish yourself! Starve yourself! Writing was both a survival tool and a recovery tool during my incarceration...

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Life Writing When writing leads to freedom and gaining weight in the fullness of life

When writing leads to freedom and gaining weight in the fullness of life

Imagine embracing the mainstream after decades of incarceration in anorexia nervosa and trauma. For years, Karyn’s eating disorder would not allow her to speak above a whisper, if at all. Fear and stigma silenced her. Working with her treatment team, writing became a safe way to communicate and paved the...

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