“My Life is My Message” — Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948).
Five words say it all. To come across Mr Gandhi’s statue on my first walkabout upon arriving in San Francisco today, for the 2016 AED ICED, was ever so meaningful (together with the gorgeous sunshine, fresh sea breeze, that dealt with jet lag fast).
Together with the Golden Gate … well, maybe add a little colour in your imagination — which is the symbol for our conference — Building Bridges Across the World, I felt the bridge and the statue provide a solid anchor and base from which great hopes may spring at this year’s conference. May we strive to be like Mr Ghandi, and let the way we live our life be our message, too, and the bridges will be built…and the mysteries about eating disorders will be solved, and treatments will improve and early intervention will increase, the world over …
And while we are thinking and talking globally, check out the wonderful stories from around the world, here, in lead up to World Eating Disorders Action Day, on June 2. Activists and advocates are warming everyone to this topic this week in San Francisco:-) Be sure to join us however you can…become a Participant and tell your friends, your family, about this historic, first world eating disorders action day. The more we talk and share, the more we put expose eating disorders for the very serious illness that they are.